POR.Nz In Detail

What is POR.Nz For?

POR.Nz is, first and foremost, a URL shortener. A free to use system that allows users to turn long webpage addresses into something shorter, better looking, and more shareable.

URL is a term we use a lot on this website. It stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Which is just a technical way of saying web address.

There are a few things which make us different from other URL shorteners.

The most obvious, is POR.Nz is designed for adult content. The clue really is in the name!

URL shorteners are a vital tool for online marketing and promotion, yet one which adult content creators and promoters have been restricted from using.
Every single mainstream service has terms forbidding adult content from being shared through its links.
POR.Nz was created to flip the script by being a shortener specifically for adult content instead.

There have been attempts at adult URL shorteners in the past. The most famous of which was which sold itself as the world’s first sex positive URL shortener.
However, there was a problem. was using the TLD (top level domain – the bit after the dot) of Libya. A country with strict and repressive morality laws.
After being live for just over a year, the Libyan authorities suspended and claimed back the domain name.
The use of a .ly domain name was always going to be a problem, and is also one reason why the world’s best known URL shortener,, couldn’t change their adult content rules even if they wanted to.

POR.Nz on the other hand, is here to stay with all the bases covered.
We’re owned by a UK company, our servers are UK, EU or US based, and our TLD is that of New Zealand.
All secure democratic countries which value freedom of expression and have sensible porn and morality laws.

This means you can be sure your POR.Nz short links will continue to work for as long as you need them to!

Content Creators First

Of course, there are a very small selection of other URL shorteners out there that do allow adult content.
But there’s a problem.
They simply aren’t designed for the benefit of legitimate hardworking content creators.
These services tend to attract amatuer webmasters and those looking for a quick buck by offering a share of ad revenue to those who create and share links.

At first, this looks great, but, as with anything described as easy money there’s a catch!

Firstly, online ad revenue per view is tiny. Sometimes fractions of a penny or lower.
So to generate even a small income from these services would require the creation and sharing of thousands of links, with little thought as to what the links actually point to.
The business model of both the URL shortener and it’s users is simple.

Get as many clicks as possible by any means possible.

There’s another word for that on the internet…. Spam.

Which often leads to the second problem. Soon, major internet companies, such as Google, notice all that spam and begin flagging or blocking the shorteners links. They don’t cherry pick. They’ll just blacklist the entire domain name and any link attached to it.

This is not a good look for you as a content creator.

It’s just not professional to have a follower click a link only to see a Google warning page.

Eventually, the inevitable happens and the URL shortener disappears, taking your links with it.

POR.Nz is not designed for spammers.
It’s designed to last.
It’s designed to support awesome content creators and professional webmasters.
Our main priority is not bombarding the internet with spam, but making sure your links are seen by your audience, clicked, and work as intended.

It’s worth mentioning here, that yes, the free POR.Nz shortener also uses ads. But our adverts are included to cover costs only, keeping the free service free forever.
They are in no way used as an incentive to spam.
The free shortener is also offered as a complimentary service alongside our premium, ad free, service which we encourage all users to use for their main priority links.

Sharing Links on Social Media

Social media for an adult content creator can be problematic.
The various platforms love to impose random moral objections to your content with vague terms and arbitrary moderation.
Often with no communication so you don’t even know what terms you broke.

There’s also the problem of the links you need to share. Not just the content it points to, but does it look good and is it short enough for a tweet or bio header?
This is really what URL shorteners are all about.
But POR.Nz also acts as a buffer between you and the platform rules!

It’s not a guarantee, and may just be a technicality, but it’s worth remembering.
POR.Nz does not directly contain adult content.
There may be talk of it, with sexual words and phrases used, but… there are no pornographic images or videos on POR.Nz.
Even our ads are individually checked for explicit images.
Sexy and suggestive maybe, but not pornographic.

So, when you share a POR.Nz short link to social media, you’re not sharing a direct link to adult content because POR.Nz is porn free.
Instead, you link to us, and we link to the content.

At the moment, there is no single rule in any social platform terms, that forbids the sharing of POR.Nz short links.

We can’t promise your social media profiles will become trouble free, but we’re doing all we can to give you a fighting chance!

Visual Psychology

As an adult content creator, or professional webmaster, you’ll know what looks good and what attracts views.
Humans are heavily influenced by what they see and adult content is about as visual as it gets!

So why post a link to your awesome looking content with a boring or ugly web address?

There’s a reason why POR.Nz is called POR.Nz.

It’s as short as possible (a must for a shortener), and literally spells out porn in every link.
Your users are looking for your adult content. What better way to encourage them to click a link by putting it right under their noses!

Adult Content and Social Responsibility

There is another group of people out there who aren’t your customers.
Those that don’t want to view adult content, and those it should be kept away from.
A link with porn in the wording works the other way to. Warning those who don’t want to see porn they probably shouldn’t click.

But our systems go even further.

We strongly believe that self regulation of the adult industry is vital to its survival. If those who make adult content can’t keep it away from children then governments will, and the last thing anybody wants is more government interference in their industry.

Not only that, it’s just the right thing to do!

So POR.Nz is the only URL shortener in the world which uses the Rated for Adults label on all links.
This means that if your short link is clicked by somebody on a computer or device with parental controls turned on, it will not redirect to your content.

As well as protecting children from viewing pornography, we’re also dedicated to protecting them from abuse.
We have strict rules on restricted content types and will report illegal content to any relevant authorities.

Remember, when creating a POR.Nz short URL you’re agreeing to our terms and conditions of use.

We also have a link reporting system where you can flag any link you think violates our rules, and are the only URL shortener which promises to report any child abuse material linked to through our service, to The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) and Inhope.

These processes and rules are designed to keep POR.Nz short links safe and trustworthy for you, and your followers.

For more POR.Nz In Detail articles click here.