POR.Nz In Detail

How to Create a Free Adult Short URL

So you have adult content to share but your links are too long?

Well welcome to POR.Nz!

POR.Nz is a URL shortener created just for adult content, for the benefit of adult content creators everywhere.

In this In Detail guide we’ll explain how to use the free URL shortener and it’s basic functions.

For other articles explaining POR.Nz and it’s functions, click here.

How to Create a Free Short URL

To create a free POR.Nz short URL go to the free shortener page. This is located (for obvious reasons) at this websites root URL…

Next, copy and paste the URL you want to shorten into the box.
You can type in, but we recommend copy and pasting to avoid mistakes.
Free short URLs are non-editable. If you make a mistake, you will have to create a new URL.
If you would like us to remove a short URL created by mistake, you can flag it for removal using the abuse reporting page.

Remember the original URL must be a full URL, including the protocol (https:// or http://).

Once you’re happy with the URL you’ve entered, complete the captcha by clicking the ‘I am human’ box, and completing the task.
Our captcha is set to be strict as part of our in depth anti spam measures.

Finally, click ‘Shorten’ and your free POR.Nz short URL will be displayed.

All free short URLs will be automatically generated using a random 6 character code.
If you need a specific name or keyword in your URL, then you’ll need a premium URL.

We recommend copying your URL and pasting it into a basic note or word file for safe keeping.

Getting a QR Code

If you need a QR code for your link, this can be displayed by clicking the link under your short URL.

If you’ve already closed the box, don’t worry. You can display the QR code for any short URL by entering it into your browser address bar and adding .qr to the end.

For example: https//

When displayed, right click to download and save your QR code for future use.
POR.Nz QR codes are unbranded so they won’t clash with your own logos and branding.

Please do not hotlink the QR code image or link directly to the QR code web address. This is not a direct link to the code image on our servers and may cause errors in your QR code showing correctly.

A short URLs QR code can also be found in the stats section.

Checking Short URL Statistics

All POR.Nz short URLs record basic usage statistics which you may find helpful in tracking your URLs performance.

To view your URLs stats, simply paste the short URL into your browser address bar and add a + to the end.

For example:

On the stats page, you can display different stats using the tabs.

The statistics tab displays hits for the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days or all time.
Your best day is also displayed. Clicking to expand this line will allow you to view a click count for any previous day hits were received.

The location tab will display your hits by their country location.

The sources tab displays where on the web your hits are coming from, and the share tab allows you to quick share your short URL to social media.

When a Short URL is Clicked

So when a user follows your short URL, what happens?

The basic answer is they’ll be redirected to your original long URL, but being a service designed for adult content a few other things happen as well.

The most noticeable of which, is the interstitial warning page.
This page is displayed before the redirect completes and includes a warning that adult content may lie ahead.
This is vital to protect internet users who do not want to, or should not view adult content, from following POR.Nz links.

This page is skippable after 5 seconds and redirects automatically after 20 seconds.

The interstitial page also includes advertising which is our main way of funding the free shortener service.

If you want to create an ad free short URL, with no warning page, you need a premium URL.

POR.Nz is also designed to be a safe and secure way for adult content creators to share their work with the right audiences.
So, when a URL is clicked the system will run spam and phishing checks against major databases, and inform any browser or computer running parental control software that the link is rated for adults and should not be displayed to children.

Don’t worry, these background processes will not slow down your redirect.

Sharing your Link

POR.Nz short links can be shared almost anywhere.

Websites, forums, chat services, even social media!

Perfect for Twitter or Instagram bios.
When it comes to promoting your links, the sky’s the limit!

Please Note: Some social media networks can be extra strict on adult content. Facebook is possibly the worse for this.
POR.Nz short URLs have the ability to act as a buffer between the social network and your content.
While POR.Nz adverts may contain adult themes, they will not contain adult (as in nude or pornographic) images.
At no point until reaching your content will a user of POR.Nz see such content.
Even this blog is porn free!
This means that technically, when posting a POR.Nz short URL, you’re not actually posting a link to adult content.
Of course, we can’t control the social networks, or the arbitrary way in which they enforce their rules.
But we can say there are no rules prohibiting the sharing of POR.Nz short links on any social media network right now!

For more POR.Nz In Detail articles click here.