Coming Soon

Buy Ad Space Directly

POR.Nz is a high traffic service, and one of the few places on the internet where adult advertising can be confidently displayed to users looking for adult content, without intrusive targeting.

Currently, all ads displayed on POR.Nz short links are generated through ad networks, or from companies we have a larger business or affiliate relationship with.

But that will soon be changing!
We’re working on a system which will allow you to buy space, and upload adverts directly to our system.
Without the need for large corporate deals or complicated sign ups.

And best of all, this service will be open to ALL adult industry professionals!
From website owners and producers to independent content creators and OnlyFans performers.

Gaining potentially unlimited exposure at an affordable price.

Premium URLs

Our free adult content URL shortener is great for sharing links on X, Instagram, or other places where long URLs just don’t fit in.
But what if you want something just a little more… you?
What you need, is a POR.Nz premium URL.

The same security features as our free service.
The same stats and QR codes.
Rated for adults in the same way.
But with a very important difference.
The URL keyword is yours to choose, instead of randomly generated.

Use your performer, website or studio name, genre, niche, or any other word which fits your promotion.

Plus… they’ll be completely ad-free!

POR.Nz Affiliate Program

If you love POR.Nz, maybe others will too!

Shortly after our premium URLs go live we’ll also launch an affiliate service.
Share your affiliate link with others who may find a personalised POR.Nz URL useful, and you’ll earn a commission on their sign up fee.